September 10


Code of Cooperation 2011-2012

We’ve been working hard on building our classroom culture. This week we spent time building a Code of Cooperation.  It illustrates our classroom beliefs that will help us to achieve our Purpose, which follows:

-To learn and have fun while working hard on math, reading, writing, science and other subjects, in order to get a good education.

-To be a great student by accomplishing set goals, being respectful, never giving up and working as a team.

I took a picture of our Code of Cooperation after we completed a Consensogram for it. The Consensogram is a graph that shows…to what extent students believe that they agree with it.  The top row of pink sticky notes represents students that felt it was something they agreed with 100%. The next line down shows some students that felt they were mostly in agreement with it (90%). The bottom row represents students that were 50% in agreement with it.  So, they didn’t agree with all of it, but they could accept using it as our guide for cooperating. Holden said he voted 50% and felt like it was an okay Code of Cooperation.  Overall, most people felt like it was something they could abide by.

This is a fundamental piece of our classroom. It provides the foundation that we’ll use to support our learning journey.

What reflections come to mind when you look over the Consensogram and the Code of Cooperation?










September 10

Growing Together

Welcome to 5th Grade!  This year we’ll be working hard to grow as a class and individuals.  Every school year I learn something from the students in my class. I grow as I become more experienced each year with a new group of young people.

What are your thoughts on growing?  How can you grow?  What are your needs and wants for this school year?  Please leave a comment.