October 5

Where did the Food Pyramid go?

A guest teacher named Mrs. MacRae taught this morning in Portable 35. She will be teaching us about good nutrition on Wednesdays twice a month. She explained to the class that we no longer use the Food Pyramid to guide us in what we eat.. The Food Pyramid was not able to clearly show the difference between healthy foods and unhealthy foods. So, the White House decided to go with another version called My Plate. The New York Times newspaper explains this in more detail in an article they created last May. The article points out that the Food Pyramid was just too confusing.

Today we talked about the parts of My Plate. Below are pictures of these guidelines for nutrition. Which do you find easier to follow? Why?

The USDA's My Plate Icon


The USDA's Food Pyramid





















Here’s a picture I took today from an activity kids did in their food teams. Kids were to place their icons on the poster where they fit best. Do you think everyone placed theirs in the correct spots? Can you think of evidence that proves someone is correct, or incorrect?

Where do the pictures relate to My Plate?













Before I end this blog entry, you should check out the My Plate video I’ve embedded to find out the basics about this new program we’ll be learning in class. Enjoy!