May 17

Healthy Snacks

Recently, Mrs. MacRae came in and helped everyone define what is a healthy snack. We decided it’s is something small that is made of natural ingredients and whole foods. She even brought us an example. If you missed it I have the recipe listed below. It’s called “Too Cool Trail Mix.” I think I had two just to make sure it was safe for all of the students.











What do you guys think? I mean look at the ingredients. Do you think you’d make this at home after trying it and reflecting on how it was made? Would you change anything, or leave it the same? Here’s a picture of the finished product.









I think it had the right amount of salty taste with sweet flavor. I might add a few chocolate chips. I know Mrs. MacRae might not approve but I’ll make sure I just add a few. How do you guys think this snack compares to Hot Cheetos? Often kids bring them to school. Check out this link to help with your reflection on Flaming Hot Cheetos.











This is a small bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos compared to the snack bags kids have been trying to take to lunch. It’s probably 2-3 servings. If you read the link I posted above you would have noticed that 1 bag can equal as much as 595 calories. That’s as much as a 6 inch Subway sandwich. Do you think this is a snack? Do you think it’s a healthy snack?

Posted May 17, 2012 by magillbr in category Uncategorized

17 thoughts on “Healthy Snacks

  1. saya35

    Dear Mr.Magill
    I think Hot Cheetos aren’t a healthy snack.
    I think Hot Cheetos are bad for you.

  2. jordan35

    Flaming Hot Cheetos are not as healthy as To Cool Trial Mix but they still are good.

  3. brian35

    Mr. Magill,
    I think a bag of Hot Cheetos is not healthy because it is too much junk food.

  4. jonathan35

    Dear Mr. Magill,
    I like hot Cheetos too, but I also play soccer almost 2 hours every other day.

  5. leslie35

    Dear Mr. Magill,
    What if kids bring Hot Cheetos to school and they share with other kids, is that still an unhealthy snack? Please write back.
    Sincerely, Leslie

  6. kaitlin

    Dear Mr. Magill,
    I think hot Cheetos are a bad snack. There are healthier foods that we can bring as a snack. Also I noticed people from our class bringing Arizona’s. That’s almost the same as Hot Cheetos. Why are those foods invented anyway?

  7. Faolan9653

    Mr. Magill,
    I don’t bring them to school, but I do belive they are unhealthy.
    If kids are going to bring them to school they should put them in a smaller bag.

  8. Tyani

    Dear Mr. Magill,
    I think hot Cheetos are a very bad snack.
    I think people should start eating more heather snacks like…
    an apple, banana, orange, grapes, trail mix, etc.

  9. jordan35

    Flaming Hot Cheetos are not healthy because there is alot of suger.

  10. saya35

    Dear Mr.Magill,
    I think the Too Cool Trail Mix is way better than Hot Cheetoes. 🙂

  11. magillbr (Post author)

    Why do you think the Too Cool Trail Mix is better than Hot Cheetos?
    Mr. Magill

  12. hannahgirl35

    Dear Mr. Magill,
    I think the Too Cool Trail Mix is better than Hot Cheetos because its healthy.

  13. magillbr (Post author)

    Hot Cheetos have been officially banned from our classroom because they do not fit our definition of a healthy snack. They are full of ingredients that aren’t really that healthy for us. Also, kids were eating more than the suggested serving size. In the end, I’m concerned that it might have a negative impact on learning in the classroom if kids are not fueling their bodies with the right type of foods.
    Mr. Magill

  14. magillbr (Post author)

    So are you saying you burn the bad calories away? Well, if you’re playing that much soccer, you might perform better if you fuel your body with better nutrients. Why not have a piece of fruit and some water?
    Mr. Magill

  15. magillbr (Post author)

    Yes. You’re still eating a snack that’s unhealthy. It’s not really made from whole foods. It’s processed quite a bit.
    Mr. Magill

  16. magillbr (Post author)

    Great comments. I noticed kids bringing Arizona’s too. These drinks are loaded with sugar. They aren’t healthy for you. These foods are invented because they sell. People like foods that are salty, fatty and have sugar. The companies that make them know this, and sell them to us to buy. We have to be better consumers so that the companies will change what they sell to us. If we buy healthy foods, they will make healthy foods. This is called buying power.
    Mr. Magill

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