June 14

Bogee? Should or shouldn’t be said.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to say Bogee in class. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. Bogee is a disturbance. For Example- Someone says, “Bogee?” Then someone else laughs, and the end result is people can’t concentrate.
2. Bogee has no meaning. It can be used to say “You’re stupid”, or saying “You’re Ugly”, or plain out saying, “Stay away from me!”
3. Bogee is just annoying. Bogee is not fun if it’s said a lot.

Someone might argue that: Bogee is an awesome word that should be able to be said.

I say Bogee is anoying, meaning less, wierd, and a disruption.

June 14


Students in our class shouldn’t be allowed to say Bagee. There are three reasons why kids shouldn’t be allowed to say Bagee in class. First, it is a disruption. Second, it takes away from people’s learning. Third, people say it too much and it’s annoying.
Someone might argue that it is funny or cool. I would tell them that it is a
disruption. Finally, students shouldn’t be allowed to say Bagee in class
because it’s a disruption, it takes away from people’s learning, people say it
too much, and it’s annoying.

June 14

Saying the word “Bogge”

Students shouldn’t be able to say Bogge in class. There are three reasons why kids shouldn’t say Bogge in class. First, it is really annoying because people are saying it
nonstop. Second, it distracts people from learning. When people blurt Bogge out, they make other people not able to concentrate. Third, when people say Bogge, it can get them into trouble. When a teacher is teaching a lesson and the person says it, they could get sent outside. I think a person that likes the word Bogge would say that they want to keep the word because they think that it is funny to them. Then I would tell them that it was kind of funny at first, but now it is really annoying, and it a can get people in trouble if the teacher or someone else is talking. Finally, students should not be able to say the word Bogge because it’s annoying, it’s disruptive and it can get you into trouble.