September 11

Week in Review #1

In review, during the last few days we worked very hard on building the supports that will help us to be successful with our learning. We watched a video about how 2 monkeys worked together to solve a problem. If monkeys can cooperate we should be able to as well. Together we developed a Code of Cooperation. These are the guidelines that will give us the “know-how” to act with one another. Jarell was the author for this document and helped to lead the activity.












In order to create more meaning behind why we’re at school we challenged ourselves to think of other reasons why attending school is important. The Portable People came up with some great answers.

“To learn about math, reading, writing…..”

“To go to college.”

“To get a good job after college.”

“To have a better life.”

This reflection helped us to form a better purpose for being in room 35 each school day.

Recently, our class had a discussion about why it’s important to read. We used an exercise called “The 5 Why’s” to help develop more meaning once again. I was pleased to see the responses our class came up with. The photo below illustrates our thinking.

In the next few weeks we will be focused on a Theme for reading, Nature’s Fury. Nature is the world around us. It’s the living organisms, the geology, the weather, etc… This theme focuses on how powerful, unpredictable and devastating the world we live in can be on a daily basis. Based on the way I explained nature, what images come to mind when I say Nature’s Fury?  Think about the state we live in. Tell your folks about the first story we read, “Earthquake Terror.”  Maybe they remember the earthquake in 1989 that shook the stadium during the World Series.

Also, we just started to investigate our math curriculum. Place value will be the big idea. You’ll be excited to know that there are quite a few online resources free to students at the Math Connects site.  Students can use these activities to supplement their learning. Sometimes there are tutors.  So, if you don’t understand something you might find a math tutor video for a lesson that will help you to make more sense for you learning.

Get ready to learn more about environments and the scientific process. 5th Grade science is just about to begin.  For a challenge question, “What comes to mind after looking at the picture below?”

Adapted from