November 12

Week in Review #4

It’s been a while since we’ve had a review of our classroom activities. Here’s an update of what we’ve been working on in Portable 35.

In reading, students are now finishing up their work with Nature’s Fury. Thursday we took the test for Theme 1. We’ve learned about comparing and contrasting, predicting, making inferences and sequencing events. For instance, kids watched a short video called “The Black Hole” to learn more about predicting and inferring.

After watching 56 seconds of the film stop it and make a prediction. What’s the man going to do with the Black Hole?

In math we’ve finished Unit 2, estimating sums and differences. This unit was also a review of adding and subtracting decimals. The results of our test should be coming home soon. Make sure to watch for your child’s Take Home Folder. A great way to review the skills in this unit is to watch the personal tutor online at Math Connects online. If you want to improve your math score and retest, look for the tutors that cover problems you missed.

For science, students in Portable 35 are learning more about environments. After trying to understand the Range of Tolerance of brine shrimp in salt water for Dr. Bryon, kids are now working on a project for Farmer John having to do with Range of Tolerance.

Exploring the Range of Tolerance for Farmer John’s crops with salt water irrigation.











Farmer John needs to irrigate, or water, his crops. However, the state expects a drought next year and has asked him to use less water from the local river so that salmon will be able to run to their spawning grounds. Farmer john lives on land near the Puget Sound. He wants to know if he could use freshwater mixed with salt water. What’s your prediction? We set up 4 irrigation sources and kept everything else the same. We’re running another controlled experiment. Can you tell me what the manipulated variable is? Here’s a hint. The manipulated variable in an experiment is the one we changed. This is your challenge for the week. Good luck.