January 21

Gallery Update


Students have been working on different art assignments in the classroom.  As a result, they’ve created a gallery of work. This work is focused on emphasizing the basic art elements like line, color, shape, space, value and texture.  We’ve taken these elements and applied them to concepts like optical illusions and perspective drawing.  Below are some of the current examples.  This art comes from an activity posted on the Internet.  I’m not sure who created the activity, but here’s a good website that describes the process for creating the blob art pieces.

Gallery 1


Category: Art | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 7

Goodbye 1st Trimester

Wow.  The trimester is over.  The school year seems to be picking up speed.  I’m really impressed with all of the efforts the students have made.  Here are a few picks from the trimester that I wanted to share.



It wasn’t very long ago that students were working on cooperative games and building our classroom community.  Our record for the Hula Hoop Challenge still stands at 1:03 minutes.


Students made good use of our classroom resources, new and old.


Scientists have begun to emerge as we learned a little about Environments.


We finished the trimester, and 2015, with a special project to decorate the classroom in a festive fashion.  It really seemed to renew the values we set at the beginning of the school year for our classroom.


Some people got a little carried away.  I suppose that’s normal in 5th grade.

Stay tuned for more posts on classroom events.  Soon we should have students sharing their own news stories as they become contributors to the blog.