The Portable People TV Channel
YouTube is a tool used around the world to promote ideas and wonderings that we reflect on daily. After using it in the classroom to view videos that might tie in with our learning target, I decided to make the jump to create videos myself. This channel will documents news in the classroom and around the school. Why? Well I think there are a number of reasons to video document.
- It provides students with an excellent way to reflect on their learning.
- It gives us ownership of the learning.
- It makes us mindful of our learning.
- It’s fun.
Can you think of some other reasons?
To be honest, it’s a little scary to put yourself out there in front of others in a way that makes you really vulnerable. But I see that as the exciting part. I’m definitely no an expert with social media. I hope this will be something we can learn about together. Take a look at the first, very short video, and see what you think.