October 16

Brian’s Effort

Recently, I was given a piece of work from a student in our class. He wasn’t asked to do it. This impressed me because it’s clear evidence that he’s trying to understand what he’s learning. It’s what you can do if you’re highly motivated and trying to understand something beyond Know-How. This student is on his way towards gaining Wisdom! Remember that at this level of learning you become a teacher of what you know. You can apply it at the highest level. Good job Brian and thanks for letting me share your work.

Posted October 16, 2011 by magillbr in category Effort, High Quality

6 thoughts on “Brian’s Effort

  1. jordan

    Dear Mr. Magill,

    I think it’s good that Brian was doing more work and putting more effort into his work.
    Have any other students give you work to put on your blog?


  2. magillbr (Post author)

    Hey Jordan. Yes. Other students have been turning in work they feel good about. I’m sorting through it to post it on the Classroom Blog.

  3. leslie35

    Dear Brain,
    Can I ask you a question?
    1. What made you think of doing this extra work?
    Please tell me or write back because I think this is creative and great for your brain and knowledge.


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